SCCAY Classes


Buena Park Practice

SCCA youth practices meet once a week on Saturday at Smith Murphy Park, Buena Park. The practice runs from 10-1 PM unless otherwise noted on Spond or the Announcements page. To register for this class, complete the full form in the Registration & Fees page. 

Cypress Park Practice

Starting in February 2022, SCCA youth practices are also held at Cypress Park in Irvine. Please note that the grounds practices are played in may vary from time to time, and any changes will be noted on Spond or the Announcements page. Classes occur on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM unless otherwise noted in the Announcements. To register for this class, complete the full form in the Registration & Fees page.

Cypress Community Park now includes a new cricket pitch that was inaugurated in March 2022.

Torrance Practice

SCCA youth cricket classes practice once a week on Sundays at El Nido Park, Torrance. The class runs from 9 AM - 12 PM unless otherwise noted on Spond or the Announcements page. To register for this class, complete the full form in the Registration & Fees page. 

To register for any of the above classes, visit Registration & Fees. The City of Irvine class below is a separate registration through the Irvine Class Details Page.

Brywood Practice

SCCA youth cricket classes practice once a week on Sundays in Brywood Park, Irvine. The class runs from 2-4 PM unless otherwise noted on Spond or the Announcements page. To learn how to register for it, go to the Irvine Class Details page.